My Goodwill Inspiration
I recently decided to brave my local Goodwill and see what goodies they had for me. While I've dropped off donations several times, I had not yet entered the store. I love the idea of Goodwill, but too many trips to the one in my hometown with my parents had left me with a sour taste in my mouth and a bad smell in my nose. What is it with every Goodwill smelling like old shoes? (probably because they sell, among other things, old shoes!)
Anyway, while I was there, I noticed two things. One, don't ever buy a new binder from the office supply store again, Goodwill has about 900. And, two, they had lots of cool art and frames that I could buy and re purpose.
My best find was this canvas:
Someone obviously spent a lot of time hand painting this fireplace scene...was their name Hansel or Gretel perhaps? Regardless, I was after the canvas! After spending only $4 for the canvas with the frame, I took it home to repaint. Keep in mind that a new canvas like this would cost at least $50+.
The first step was to buy some Gesso. Gesso is what artists use to reuse or prime a canvas. It cost $8.99 at Michaels, but with my coupon it was only $4.50. I removed the canvas from the frame and then painted the Gesso onto the canvas:
This is what it looked like after I painted two coats of Gesso. (Ignore the lovely vinyl tablecloth that I used as a backdrop.)
While that dried, I spray painted the cheap wood frame a gold color.
Then I painted the picture that I wanted on my canvas. I was inspired by a pin on Pinterest and got my kids involved to make a Christmas tree with their hand prints. This is my final product, all for only about $10 and a little time.
Hope you like it! And check out your local Goodwill, not only do they have cool stuff like this, but there is some great people watching as well. Merry Christmas!